Links to David Lee Winston Miller's Pages
(Pages that link to various pages by, or refer to, David Lee Winston Miller)

This is just a way for me to keep track of who is referencing my work. If you have pages of your own, you might wish to copy this page and make the appropriate changes so that you can see how people surf to your pages. Keeping track of links to your pages also makes it easier to send out change of address notices. Besides, you might just find that people are taking about you!

Known Links

The following are pages known (the last time I checked) to link to my pages or pages with articles by me. To find the link, copy the quoted phrase (don't include the quotation marks), click on the page (underlined) to the left of it, then search the resulting page to find the phrase. (Usually, the link to my page is at or near the phrase.) To do the search, use the "Find" or "Search" function of your browser. (On some browsers, you can use "control-v" to easily paste the copied phrase into the search field.)

Many thanks to each of the Web authors who have kindly linked to my pages!

How I Searched for Links to My Pages
(How I found the pages above that link to my pages.)

To understand how to find links to your pages, study the "saved" searches below. This will make more sense if you're just a little familiar with my home page--note the addressess used and the fact that some of my pages or writings are located on the "sunyit" server and others (the vegetarian articles) are located on the "korrnet" server.

The searches below worked at the time this page was composed. As search engine designs change, occasionally a "saved" search will no longer work correctly. (Also, the search engines tend to have really bad Web days!)

The searches take a while. Resulting lists will usually include many of the above mentioned pages plus possibly: some pages I'm not yet aware of, some erroneous search results, and some pages written by me but published by others (because I refer to myself in the by-line of my articles and some of the searches look for my name). Some searches will, unfortunately, also list pages I publish myself in my html directory at "sunyit" (but some searches attempt to avoid this problem--see the first Alta Vista search below).

To further understand the searches, check the help instructions provided by the search engine.


Alta Vista search for pages that refer to my "" pages (My home site).
Alta Vista search for pages that refer to my articles at "" (ETVS).
Alta Vista search for pages that refer to my by my full name.
Alta Vista search of Usenet (Similar to some of the above searches.) Usually, this search will not return any hits--I'm just not a popular guy on Usenet.

Infoseek search of WWW. Not very complete (because link references cannot be searched).

HotBot search of WWW for "Winston Miller". (Alternate.) Only searches for references to my name, not my pages. Like the other searches, this search may occasionally return links to other Winston Millers. Another problem is that it lists my pages too.
HotBot search of WWW for "David Lee Winston Miller". Similar to above.
HotBot search of Usenet for "Winston Miller". (Alternate.) (Similar to above.) Usually will not return any hits.

More information: You can't "save" the results of all search engines in the manner above. (Some search results are addressed differently than others.) But using the search engines above and your browser, you can save your searches and even have your browser (if it's so equipped) automatically check for new pages. (Although one disadvantage is that some search engine ads will show up as new links.)

How to Find Links to Your Pages

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