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Pages by David Lee Winston
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NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Bion Program, Bion Project, BION 11, biosatellite, biosatellites, weightlessness,
micro gravity, microgravity, micro-gravity, low gravity, low-gravity, re-adaptation,
physiology, government waste, expenditures, Space Shuttle, manned, crewed
spacecraft, unmanned, uncrewed satellites, human space travel, astronautics,
astronauts, Russia, U.S. Life Sciences, SETI, astronomy, higher intelligence,
extraterrestrials, alien, aliens,U.S.-French Rhesus Project, Program Investigator
Working Group, National Institutes of Health National Center for Research
Resources, Ames Research Center, ARC, Russian Bioethics Committee, Russian
Space Agency, RSA, World Health Organization's International Guiding Principles
for Biomedical Research Involving Animals, NIH, AIBS, Animal Care and Use
Committee, ACUC, French Space Agency (CNES), payload, payloads, laboratory
animals, Animal Welfare Act, rights, medical research, vivisection, human
physiology, biomedical science, space missions, ethics, animal care, animal
models, primates, monkeys, rodents, rats, spacecraft, space flight, Russian
Institute for Biomedical Problems, NASA Research Announcement 88-OSSA-8,
American Institute of Biological Sciences, AIBS, Science Critical Design
Review, Spacelab Life Sciences Mission, SLS-3, Bion Science Assessment
Panel, Mars
review, John R Searle, Chinese Room, artificial
intelligence, brain, mind, Scientific American, SM machines, symbol manipulating
machines, neurons, structures, computation, semantics, quantum mechanics,
biology, consciousness, qualia, animal intelligence, entropy, strong AI,
symbols, syntax, Turing machines, machine architecture, thinking, non-local
interactions, computers, computer science, computer programs, SUNY
animal rights, animal welfare, computer science,,,,,,,,,,,
vegetarian, SUNY,
feedback, input, output, control technology,
controls, definition, closed-loop control, closed loop control, control
systems, information science, computer science, information flow, information
Olympic mountain goats, Olympic Mountain Goats,
Olympic National Park, ONP, Washington State, National Park Service, NPS,
DEIS, Draft Impact Environmental Statement, risk management, population
dynamics, Olympic Peninsula, Fund for Animals, animal contraception, animal
population control technology, contraception technology, animal extermination,
animal control, biobullet, biobullets, hormonal toxins, toxin, wildlife
management, contraceptive bait, plant taxa, endangered species, maximum
sustainable population, habitat, herbivores, ecosystems, animal biology,
astragalus, vegetation monitoring, archeology, personal safety, helicopter
safety, R/C aircraft, radio controlled model aircraft, heli-jumping, animal
steriliztion, military drones, weaponry, non-lethal weapons, servo-control,
balloons, taxpayers, taxes, philosophy, native species, reintroduction
Olympic mountain goats, Olympic Mountain Goats,
Olympic National Park, ONP, Washington State, National Park Service, NPS,
DEIS, Draft Impact Environmental Statement, risk management, population
dynamics, Olympic Peninsula, Fund for Animals, animal contraception, animal
population control technology, contraception technology, animal extermination,
animal control, biobullet, biobullets, hormonal toxins, toxin, wildlife
management, contraceptive bait, plant taxa, endangered species, maximum
sustainable population, habitat, herbivores, ecosystems, animal biology,
astragalus, vegetation monitoring, archeology, personal safety, helicopter
safety, R/C aircraft, radio controlled model aircraft, heli-jumping, animal
sterilization, military drones, weaponry, non-lethal weapons, servo-control,
balloons, taxpayers, taxes, philosophy, native species, reintroduction
homepage, home page, articles, David Lee Winston
Miller, David Lee Miller, David Miller, David L. Miller, D. L. Miller,
D. L. W. Miller, D. Miller, W. Miller, D. Lee Miller, D. Lee Winston Miller,
David Lee Winston-Miller, David-Lee Winston Miller, Winston Miller, David
Lee Winston Miller, engineer, industrial control systems, vegetarian, animal
rights, computer science, animals, resume, homepage, email, systems theory,
structures, artificial intelligence
homomorphism, homomorphisms, systems, system,
structure, structures
CLP, prolog, invertibility, invertible, Cantor's
diagonal argument, reusable predicates, inverse functions, instantiation
LD50, animal research, animal experiments, animal
experimentation, laboratory animals, animal rights, humane treatment of
animals, toxicology, biological standardization, toxicological testing,
toxicological evaluation of chemical substances, reproducibility, experimental
biology, acute toxicity, toxicity testing, poison control, overdosing,
risk analysis, drug safety, public health, poisoning, J. W. Trevan, bioassays,
dose levels, food additives, pesticides, cosmetics, industrial chemicals,
pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, FDA, JECFA, Consumer Products Safe Testing
models, model, definition, animal research, animal
models, animal model, system, systems, structures, structure, accuracy,
mechanical systems, fluid flow, patent, patents,
inventions, pneumatic transfer systems, computer science, industrial control
systems, control systems, PLC, PC
photography, industrial photography, lithography,
intaglio, advertising, brochures
animal rights, philosophy, vegetarian, vegetarianism,
animal welfare, intelligence, instinct, awareness, consciousness, pain,
animal liberation, sentience, analogy, analogies, brain size, fairness,
honesty, animal kingdom, reasoning, emotion, emotions, axioms, methodology,
logic, metaphor, metaphors, animals, traits, faculties, intellectual honesty,
intellectual dishonesty, science, values, morals, morality, thought, altruism,
movement, species, meat, conscience, responsibility, utilitarian, utilitarianism,
zero sum, zero-sum game, games, animal research, vivisection, racism, sex,
sexism, gender, prejudice, culture, alien, aliens, extraterrestrial, extraterrestrials,
intrinsic self, worth, domination, environment, religion, speciesism, genes,
genetics, chromosomes, quantum states, computers, qualities, animal models,
nature, quantum mechanics, harmlessness, compassion, ethics, proof
RESUME, resume, Resume, NASA, National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, artificial intelligence, SM machines, symbol
manipulating machines, computation, consciousness, symbols, syntax, Turing
machines, machine architecture, computer, computers, computer science,
computer program, SUNY, feedback, input, output, control technology, controls,
closed loop control, control systems, distributed control systems, DCS,
intelligent control systems, remote telemetry, RS-232, RS-422, single board
computers, data acquistion and control, DAC, measurement, scales, process
control, supervisory control and data acquisition, SCADA, operator interfaces,
OI, GE Series 90-30, multi-tasking machine control, intrumentation, human-machine
interfaces, HMI, man-machine interfaces, MMI, information science, information
flow, information transfer, servo control, engineer, industrial control
systems, systems theory, programmable controllers, programmable logic controllers,
PCs, PC, PLCs, PLC, statement list, relay ladder logic, RLL, state machines,
state machine language, ladder-rung programs, ladder-rung programming,
ladder logic, ladder-rung logic, mathematical programs, mathematical programming,
documentation, testing, research and development, homomorphism, homomorphisms,
structure, structures, CLP, CLP(R), prolog, Prolog, C, C language, C programming,
PROLOG, BASIC, machine language, assembly language, real-time systems,
real-time operating systems, Pascal, PASCAL, invertibility, invertible
predicates, Cantor's diagonal argument, reusable predicates, inverse functions,
instantiation, models, model, mechanical systems, patent, patents, inventions,
pneumatic transfer systems, industrial control systems, PC, PCs, industrial
photography, art, advertising, relations, relationships, system, systems,
systems science, volunteer, volunteer organizations, board member, board
of directors, startup, organizational, database design, public relations,
research, telephone information systems, conflict resolution, managing,
management, editing, editor, president, lobbist, lobbying, writer, writing,
spokesperson, software engineering, research, real-time control, real-time
BASIC, declarative languages, declarative programming, electronics, database,
databases, LAN, LANs, communications, telephony, patents, public relations,
systems science, embedded processors, formal methods, logic programs, hardware
design, logic programming, hybrid computer systems, instrumentation, engineer,
computer programs, programmer, digital filters, digital filter design,
digital filtering, PID control, PID controls, digital controls, digital
control systems, designer, control technology, control engineering, project
management, project engineer, project engineering, controls engineer, control
engineer, control engineering, controls engineering, applications engineer,
applications engineering, software, software design, software projects,
teaching, teacher, troubleshooting, troubleshooter, computer programmer,
electronic design, interfaces, interfacing
sheet music, violin, piano, clarinet, compositions
structure, structures, model, models, relations,
relationships, system, systems, systems science
volunteer, volunteer organizations, board member,
board of directors, startup, organizational, database design, public relations,
research, telephone information systems, conflict resolution, vegetarian,
animal rights, animal welfare, humane treatment, Tennessee Humane Association,
Knox County Humane Society, East Tennessee Vegetarian Society, Tennessee
Network for Animals, managing, management, editing, editor, president,
lobbist, lobbying, writer, writing, spokesperson
Prolog, artificial intelligence, data structures,
backtracking, trees, B-trees, planning, state machines, logic programming,
A* algorithms, best-first searching, heuristic search techniques, predicates,
problem solving, matching, goal satisfaction, goals, horn clauses, first-order
predicate logic, instantiation, game theory, games, computer languages,
Arity Prolog, Rubik's Cube, Rubik Cube, Rubic's Cube, Rubic Cube, Magic
Cube, group theory, puzzle, puzzles, Erno Rubik, conjugates, commutators,
mathematical recreation, mathematics, computer science, David Lee Winston
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since 11-07-96.